Sunday, March 30, 2014

How To Felt Basic Shapes?

As you start to make basic shape for your buddy's body or head, you must learn to sculpt your wool into any shape you want by using felting needles. When you start it, you will see how easy it is to work with felt. The more time you poke on a certain area, the tighter the area is going to be. That also means this area will look sunken when it compared with its surround areas. So it is a basic and the most important skill to learn in the felting art. You will find you usually spend 1 hour to felt a firm and perfect shape you want. 

The process of felting a basic body shape is right here. You will use it in almost all the projects for your toys. Go back to this page anytime you need a refresher.

1. Take certain amount of wool and roll it.

2. Use your hands to roll the wool tightly. The tighter, the easier and faster you will spend in the next step. Because the tighter, the more of the shape that your needle will pass through at once.

3. Place the wool piece on your felting foam block, or other softer surface like wool mat. Poke repeatedly into the wool. You will find you averagely poke a thousand time for a firm perfect body shape by using 2 felting needles. 

4. Multi-needle tool is your best friend to help you speed up the felting process. 

5. Continue felting the wool until the shape is been evenly poked and round. To make it even, you don't have to poke deeply each time, just find the right strength you need to make it even. Like what I said use the felting needle to sculpt the shape you want.

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Make Wool Buddy by Weiqiong Liu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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